Cossie-wearing teachers trek Australia’s highest mountain to raise funds, awareness on youth depression

A team of five teachers from Engadine High School in Sydney climbed the peak of Mt. Kosciuszko wearing nothing but cossies in the middle of winter – not to humiliate themselves but to raise awareness about youth depression.
Ben Andersen, Blake Leonard and their friends made their historic trek early in July in a bid to raise $100,000 for beyondblue, a movement that empowers young people to combat depression and anxiety.
“As teachers, we have regular experiences dealing with young people wrestling with depression, anxiety and suicide. We have seen the damage and pain that these issues can cause for young people, their friends and their families,” the group said in their crowdfunding page.
“We decided to do something challenging and entertaining to raise money and awareness of beyondblue, to make a positive impact on our local school community. We quickly realised, however, that through Kossie in Cossies, we have a far wider potential to impact a broader audience.”
Based on their Facebook post, the team made their epic ascent to Mt. Kosciuszko in early in July. The group trained with “The Iceman” Wim Hof months before the actual hike.