Man Booker prize shortlist nominee Eleanor Catton poses with her book "The Luminaries" during a photocall at the Southbank Centre in London, October 13, 2013. REUTERS/Olivia Harris

Eleanor Catton’s father Dr Philip Catton appeared at radio host Sean Plunket to admonish him for insulting his Man Booker Prize winner daughter. Plunket previously called Catton a “traitor” and “ungrateful hua” for criticising New Zealand while she was at the Jaipur Literary Festival in India.

Philip is a former senior lecturer at the Canterbury University. Following Plunket’s insults, he asked the radio host to be invited to his show to engage him in meaningful discussion about the standard of debate in the country, and to address the ruckus on Catton’s remarks.

“Name-calling is no help to respect for ideas or respect for differences in ideas,” Philip told Plunket. He added that Plunket, as also a father, was a disappointment for his name-calling approach. “There was no abuse of respect” in voicing own’s opinion, but Plunket took it further by calling Catton insulting terms.

Plunket didn’t agree, saying Catton name-called first by calling politicians “neo-liberal, profit-obsessed, very shallow, very money-hungry.” He also said Catton received benefits from the government, which enabled her to pursue her writing passion while working. She was recognised by the government for her work, and the people of New Zealand lauded her when she achieved something. That’s why Plunket was baffled why Catton needed to “bag” her own country in another country.

Philip defended his daughter, saying that the current environment in the country is not helpful to the arts. Also, the 29-year-old novelist has a right to say whatever she wants of the government.

“Neither ungrateful … nor a traitor for being critical at a time when criticism really should be out there and much discussed,” Philip said of Catton when Plunket asked if he agreed that Catton was ungrateful. Again, Philip said he was disappointed with Plunket for his name-calling. Plunket, in turn, apologised for that.

When the discussion was coming to an end, Philip said he wanted more time to converse with Plunket about the matter. They agreed to meet “for a wine and a discussion” some time in the future.

Listen to their conversation here.

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