Hundreds of Eminem fans were angered by sound system breakdowns that plagued two shows by their rap idol in Sydney.

Many demanded to have their tickets refunded from the Sydney Football Stadium where the series of concerts was held. The main complaint? They could not hear a thing!

The Facebook page of the show's promoter, Paul Dainty, was bombarded with angry feedback, even to the point of threatening to contact the NSW Department of Fair Trading.

The disgruntled fans were those seated in the outer sections of the stadium since the ones closer to the stage confirmed that the sound system was just fine for them.

According to one attendee, it even came to a point that the rest of the crowd was chanting, "Turn it Up."

The chanting seemed to be so loud that even Eminem reacted to it. But the singer must have heard it differently and maybe he thought the people were saying "Take it off" since he started pulling his shirt.

On the other hand, the rapper's show in Etihad Stadium in Melbourne turned out to be of pitch-perfect sound. The concertgoers were so mad as if they were left watching a mime show. They even missed much of what Eminem was saying to them.

Apologies from the Dainty Group are expected.


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