A Frenchwoman got the shock of her life when her service provider billed her €11.721 quadrillion. Solenne San Jose of Bordeaux, upon receipt of the bill - which is almost 6,000 times France's yearly gross domestic product - immediately called Bouygues Telecom to verify the amount being collected.

The phone firm insisted the computer-generate bill was accurate. To add to her panic, Ms San Jose was informed the amount was to be debited from her bank account.

"There were so many zeroes I couldn't even work out how much it was," Christian Post quoted the distraught mobile phone subscriber.

Bouygues initially told her that they could not change the statement or stop the bank from debiting the amount, but eventually admitted after Ms San Jose made more frantic calls to the telecom firm that the overblown phone bill was a technical error caused by a printing mistake. The correct amount was just €117.21, AFP reported.

It is not the first printing error encountered by cell phone users. In 2011, a man complained that he received a $200,000 phone bill because of roaming data charges.