Labour MP Maryan Street was under pressure to withdraw support for a bill legalising euthanasia. The euthanasia bill was cause for concern for her political party members who think it will only be a distraction in the 2014 elections.

If the End of Life Choice Bill was withdrawn from the ballot, the debate over its legalities may be extended until election year, 2014. Some Labour members feel the bill could cause a negative reaction from conservative voters that will affect the party's election campaign.

Ms Street said several of her colleagues have discussed what the consequences would be if she pulled out the bill from the ballot in 2014. She said they were sympathetic, but ultimately, it was her decision if the bill stays in the ballot or not.

She was also aware of the possibility of the euthanasia bill as a distraction for all parties and not just Labour. She plans to consult with the group of euthanasia advocates, End of Life Choice, which had previously asked her to draft the bill.

Yvonne Shaw, a spokesperson for the pro-euthanasia group, said they have been lobbying for a euthanasia bill for 30 years and public support has become overwhelming.

Exit International, another lobby group for euthanasia, said that if the bill will be pulled out from the ballot, it would be a setback for voluntary and legal euthanasia in New Zealand.

Maryan Street added that a comprehensive and national debate on the euthanasia bill was needed. She says there are more people who want the bill approved than those who do not. However, she doesn't want to risk the bill being questioned for the likelihood of abuse during the election year.

If approved, the End of Life Choice Bill would allow New Zealanders aged 18 and up to die with assistance if they were proven to be mentally competent by two doctors and only after consultation with family. A week's period is also given to think things through before making the decision.

The Death with Dignity Bill was the last attempt to legalise euthanasia in New Zealand did not get past the ballot. It was a close vote with 60 votes not in favor of the bill against 58 votes of those who are in favor.

Find out what euthanasia is by watching the video below: (Source:NewgrangePress)