'Fear the Walking Dead' season 3: 'All bets are off'

Days before the premiere of the second half of “Fear the Walking Dead” season 3, executive producer Dave Erickson and the cast members shared their insights in a new video released online. The preview includes new footage from the upcoming episodes of the show.
“All bets are off,” Erickson said in the preview video (see below). The Nation has entered the ranch, but the conflict is far from over. Lead actor Kim Dickens (Madison Clark) said that the next half of the season is “dramatic,” and it’s going to get “pretty messy.” Cast member Rubén Blades (Daniel Salazar) teased there will be things the audience won’t expect.
The big change for Madison is that she’s now officially in a position of power at the ranch. She doesn’t have complete control, though, as Jake Otto (Sam Underwood) will emerge as the leader after the death of his father. All the major characters on the show will have to choose who they align themselves with.
Although they are living together now, the conflict between the Ottos, the people of the ranch and the Nation is not resolved, Michael Greyeyes (Qaletqa Walker) said. Judging by the footage from the next part of the season, the source of the problems could be the limited supply of water and the control over guns. “The tension is palpable,” Greyeyes said.
Another problem is the ease with which Walker is able to deal with Madison instead of Jake. This, as well as the fact that the Ottos don’t really know the truth about what happened to Jeremiah (Dayton Callie), is leading up to an explosive situation. Alicia (Alycia Debnam-Carey) recognises this problem.
The next part of the season is important for Alicia as she emerges a leader. Jake will apparently get weaker with each passing day, and Debnam-Carey is excited about how this opens up possibilities for her character.
Credit: Fear the Walking Dead/ Facebook