An E.L. James best-selling erotica novel, "Fifty Shades of Grey" continues to be the most read book of today.

With a film said to be in the works, fans are eager to know who among Hollywood's hottest and brightest would nab the lead role. In the running for Christian Grey are Matt Bomer of "Magic Mike" and Ian Somerhalder of "The Vampire Diaries." The big question however is who is winning?

Everyone is pretty much excited to see the BDSM-themed novel to hit the big screen. Yet, with the director's chair still empty, its likely actors would be found for the film. So while Universal Studios is busy looking for a director to fill out the chair, fans of James' beloved novels are helping out to choose potential candidates.

Last year, Ian Somerhalder of "The Vampire Diaries" and Alexander Skarsgard of "True Blood" competed for the number one spot to play Christian Grey. Now, it's a fight between Ian Somerhalder and Matt Bomer.

In an interview with TMZ, Ian Somerhalder had made a noncommittal response that likely sounded as a yes with regards to playing the role of Christian.

"You never know," said Somerhalder who had said in countless interviews before that he has a "good chance at playing Christian Grey."

Of course, Matt Bomer fans would say otherwise. Despite the wide debate of Bomer being gay and playing a straight man, with Bomer's impeccable acting skills then the role of Grey would not be a problem to portray.

However, fans of "Fifty Shades" clearly agree that Ian Somerhalder would still be the best bet to play Christian Grey.

"34-year-old Somerhalder remains a prominent fan favorite in several of Mstarz's Christian Grey-related casting polls. Most of the buzz is due in part to Somerhalder's own actions. Several fans and critics believe that the "Vampire Diaries" star's recently released trailer for the short film project "Time Framed" makes a perfect "Fifty Shades" screen test/audition. Not to mention that the Louisiana native recently caught some attention on Twitter when he auctioned off his own personal copy of "Fifty Shades of Grey" in promotion of the IS Foundation," stated MStarz.

Who is best fit to play Christian Grey in the film adaptation: Ian Somerhalder or Matt Bomer?