Prince William admits that he was sleepless the night before marrying Kate Middleton. After one year into their marriage, the Duke of Cambridge tells why he wasn't able to sleep the night before his wedding.

The Duke of Cambridge looked wide awake and beaming as he took Kate Middleton to be his wife at the Westminster Abbey, April of last year. But little did the whole world know that William barely had an hour of sleep prior to the royal wedding.

William said that those who gathered around at The Mall, just in front of the Buckingham Palace, were enormously high in spirits that he struggled to find sleep.

"I hadn't slept at all that night because obviously all the crowds were on The Mall," the Duke of Cambridge confessed in an interview for Elizabeth: Queen, Wife, Mother, which will air on June 1 in UK.

"They were singing and cheering all night long. So, the excitement of that, the nervousness of me, and everyone singing meant I slept for about half an hour, I think," he added.

"So when I did get up in the morning, I can say that I had prepared myself totally by that point. It was a case of just going out there and trying to enjoy the moment and also get through it," William said. "But it was good fun, it was really good fun."

From the crowd's noise in celebration adding up to his excitement and nervousness for the big day, the prince got barely any sleep and had to endure the next day "trying to walk down the stairs with my spurs on."

His lack of sleep was also similar to her mother's recall in the book "Diana: Her true Story" by biographer Andrew Morton.

"They put me in a bedroom overlooking the Mall, which meant I didn't get any sleep," Princess Diana said.

But amidst all the frenzy and the lack of sleep, it was definitely one of the most memorable weddings of the decade. And the Duke of Cambridge did manage to pull everything off without anyone noticing the fact that he only slept for barely 30 minutes.

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