'The Flash' season 3: Candice Patton speaks about Barry Allen and Iris West's relationship

Fans are eagerly waiting for “The Flash” season 3, which is now only a few weeks away. As the date draws near, fans are getting more excited about the next season.
The end of season two finally saw the beginning of the romantic relationship between Iris West and Barry Allen, when Iris confessed her love to Barry. Candice recently teased fans about what season three has to offer, including some compelling events that will happen between her and Barry’s relationship.
According to Candice, her character Iris will please fans in the upcoming season. In an interview with DenOfGeek, she revealed that Iris will try to make the romance between her and Barry work.
“Yeah, I think it was a long time coming back. I think Iris has always had, you know, feelings for Barry. To some degree. Some that she couldn’t really vocalise, and I think being in a relationship with Eddie made it difficult for her to kind of come to terms with the fact that she had feelings for Barry, so... you know I think it was finally the moment,” she said. “It was the right time for her to finally concede to the fact that she likes Barry, loves Barry, and wants to be with him.”
Candice’s disclosure is definitely good news for the show’s fans. Viewers have been hoping for Iris and Barry to find their way into each other’s arms in the end. The actress also commented on the controversy about the fact that Barry and Iris grew up as siblings. She said that she has never perceived the two characters as brother and sister. The two are just shown growing up together, but she said that the thought of two being sibling-y to each other is just created by people, and that it doesn’t actually exist. She added that as she’s black and Barry is white, there is absolutely no DNA shared by the two.
Viewers are aware that Barry and Iris’s relationship has gone through some good and bad times. Many perceived that their relationship was not of the romantic sort. But season three of “The Flash” is going to be different for the two characters. It seems like the latest season will see the relationship of Barry and Iris finally blooming.
Season three of “The Flash” will be having 23 episodes and will air on Oct. 4 in the US. The show will air on Oct. 5 at 7:30 PM on FOX8 in Australia.