‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6: Lena Headey teases fans; Margaery Tyrell-King Tommen Season 5 sex scene discussed

As if the wait is not enough, actress Lena Headey, who plays Queen Cersei Lannister in HBO high-fantasy drama series “Game of Thrones,” recently did a dirty tease on Twitter that upped fan expectations like crazy. But she was simply messing with her fans and never dished out anything on Season 6 storyline.
It was like luring a child with chocolate and then mercilessly eating the chocolate in front of the child. Check out her “merciless” tweets here.
Here's the thing you guys .... I just saw some of S6 .. And ... OMFG ... It's beyond worth the agonizing wait.. TRUST __
— lena headey (@IAMLenaHeadey) 6 March 2016
I can tell you this ....
— lena headey (@IAMLenaHeadey) 6 March 2016
Oh ... SHIT ! No I can't _
— lena headey (@IAMLenaHeadey) 6 March 2016
Oh SHAME on me _
— lena headey (@IAMLenaHeadey) 6 March 2016
Headey, by “some of S6,” surely meant much more than what “Game of Thrones” fans have seen. Up to now, HBO has only released teasers that have not given anything. To add salt to the wound, HBO recently stated that it would not be sending screeners to media houses in the fear of them getting leaked.
Fans, after Headey’s first tweet, begged for more information. But instead of obliging, she came up with more wicked teases.
[Spoiler Alert] At least actor Dean-Charles Chapman, who plays King Tommen in “Game of Thrones,” divulged some details on the sex scene with Margaery Tyrell (Natalie Dormer) in Season 5, and fans have to be happy with what they are getting.
Chapman said he was surprised when he came to know he would have to shoot a sex scene with Dormer even though the books never mentioned a sex scene as Tommen is only eight in George R.R. Martin’s novel.
“I wasn’t expecting that and [creators] David Benioff and Dan Weiss as a joke came up to me and told me, 'Oh, we’ve done you a favour, we’ve written you in a cheeky little sex scene' and I was like, 'cheers.’ That was the last thing I was expecting,” Chapman said.
However, Chapman assured that although the sex scene might have looked awkward on screen due to the age difference, it was not the case.
“We’re actors, Natalie’s a lovely person, she made me feel unbelievably comfortable. Hopefully she was comfortable with me. But the sex scene and stuff, it all ran smoothly. It’s all planned, we talk about it, it’s a normal day,” Chapman told Express at a “Game of Thrones” press event.