In “Game of Thrones,” Bran Stark (Isaac Hempstead Wright) was previously revealed to be the reason why Hodor(Kristian Nairn) stopped speaking. Now, theories suggest that he may also be behind Aerys Targaryen (David Rintoul) turning into the Mad King.

Spoiler alert! This article contains “Game of Thrones" spoilers. Read on if you would like to know what happens next before the new episode airs.

An older Bran Stark returned in Season 6, mastering his greensight powers with the Three-Eyed Raven (Max von Sydow) to go through time. There were a lot of revelations in the past episodes about his family and the history of Westeros.

In Episode 6, titled “Blood of My Blood,” Bran had visions of Aerys Targaryen, Jaime Lannister (NikolajCoster-Waldau) becoming the King Slayer, and the army of Whitewalkers, among others. The king who went crazy had the dark plan to burn everyone with green wildfire before Jaime lethally stabbed him in the back.

Radio Times states that one notion involves Bran also being the one who introduced the idea in Aerys’ mind that it would be good to burn everything. He may have influenced the king to use fire to destroy the Whitewalkers, who are vulnerable to it.

Although Bran’s primary intention would save all, the effects of his abilities would have caused the host to lose all sense, similar to what happened to Hodor. Bran is clearly not a mere observer in his visions, but has the power to influence persons and events. He may have, at one point, urged Aerys to create the plan to be ruler of flames, eventually causing the king to go mad.

In another Radio Times report, Bran’s visions also showcased a bloody hand, which may be related to Ned Stark (Sean Bean) and the abduction of Lyanna (Cordelia Hill). There was a lot of focus placed on the wildfire that Aerys created inside King’s Landing. Moreover, scenes of the capital burning may be in the past or future. Bran’s vision may not actually be a flashback, but a foreboding of the evil to come.

Other fans speculated that there will be wildfire in the near future, caused by Aerys’ own daughter, Daenerys (Emilia Clark), who is currently amassing her forces to take over the seven kingdoms.

“Game of Thrones” Season 6 Episode 7, titled 'The Broken Man,' will air on June 5 on HBO. It also airs on Foxtel in Australia.

Source: YouTube/Game of Thrones