‘Ghostbusters’ All-Female Cast Not Confirmed, Melissa McCarthy Is Still Under Negotiations

Still in negotiations to play as one of the leads for “Ghostbusters” reboot, Melissa McCarthy’s rep clarified the news about the movie’s all-female cast. Joining the ensemble cast and still under negotiations with Sony are “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” actress Kristen Wiig as well as “Saturday Night Live” players Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon.
Director Paul Feig (“The Heat”) confirmed that news that the four female leads are still in negotiations and has not officially signed up for the roles. The hype about the all-female cast started when Feig tweeted a photo featuring the four actresses and even gave an update on the film’s release.
“Ghostbusters” the remake will start filming this summer with a whole new direction with writer Katie Dippold working on the film’s screenplay. The movie is expected to hit the big screen on July 22, 2016, according to Feig’s tweet.
"I love the first one so much I don’t want to do anything to ruin the memory of that,” Fieg told Entertainment Weekly during an interview. “So it just felt like, let’s just restart it because then we can have new dynamics."
Both McCarthy and Wiig have worked with Feig in “Bridesmaid,” while Jones is currently working in Chris Rock’s “Top Five.” McKinnon was nominated for an Emmy last year for her performance in SNL and has been with the show since 2012.
Meanwhile, “Ghostbusters” alum and co-writer of the 1984 original film Dan Aykroyd is pleased with “Ghostbusters” all-female cast. He revealed during his latest interview that his family is “delighted” for the casting and the movie’s torch will be carried by “these most magnificent women in comedy.”
Original cast member Bill Murray is reportedly joining the cast for the upcoming film as one of the villains. His character was described as by HitFix as a “professional supernatural debunker.” The veteran actor famously balked at doing the third instalment of the film even before director Ivan Reitman backed out from directing duties.
But for now fans of the classic film have to wait and see for casting developments. There is still no news about Murray’s involvement in “Ghostbuters’” sequel.
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