Mother's Day comes on May 11. It's a day to show appreciation for all mothers out there. While friends and family scramble to find the perfect gift for mothers, according to The Street, moms usually look for a simple act that illustrate how much you care and value her on Mother's Day, and sometimes, regardless of the age, a homemade or store-bought card with a beautiful saying is enough to make their day.

Below is a guide collected from online sites such as Smosh, on "what to write" and "not to write" on your greeting cards.

What Not To Write

1) "It's your special day Mom, forget all those household chores, you can do them tomorrow."

2) "Mom, I never thought you would live till I was forty. I'm glad that you lived to be so very, very, old. Happy Mother's Day!"

3) "Mom, surprise! I got you a laser hair removal. Now people will stop mistaking you for Dad. Happy Mother's Day."

4) "Dear Mom you are never selfish with your advice. But really, people can only take so much."

5) "Mom, thanks for not feeding me to the shark or selling me to the circus. I know it was a real possibility."

6) "Mom, I can't even imagine how proud you are of me for remembering to send you a Mother's Day Card."

7) "I still can't believe I used to live in your v***na. Happy Mother's Day!"

8) "Happy Mother's Day! Thanks for tolerating Dad's b*****it for all these years so I could have an intact family."

9) "Thanks for not ditching me in a dumpster. Happy Mother's Day!"

10) "Thanks for always thinking about me to the detriment of your own mental health."

What To Write

1) "Happy Mother's Day! I couldn't have had a better mother than you."

2) "Mom, you have been the most influential person in my life. I appreciate all the sacrifices you made to raise me. Happy Mother's Day."

3) "Thanks for everything that you have done for me, and all that you are still doing."

4) "I love you and I love you being my mom."

5) "I love you mom, and am glad that God blessed me with such a caring mother. You went above and beyond the call of duty many times."

6) "You've always been there for me, and that is why I love you so much. Happy Mother's Day!"

7) "Mom, today is a special day. However, for such a special mother like you, it should be Mother's Day every single day! Happy Mother's Day!"

8) "Happy Mother's Day! You're the most special woman in my heart now and forever. "

9) "I truly think that mothers are angels on Earth. The way you take care of me must be Heaven-sent! "

10) "I'm so proud to call you my mother. You have set the best example for me to follow and look up to. I hope one day to become just like you."