A man admires a 1955 Gibson Les Paul Goldtop guitar belonging to David Gilmour of Pink Floyd (R) and a sunburst Fender Stratocaster formerly owned by Jimi Hendrix (C) at the 'Travelling Guitars' exhibition at the Cite de la Musique in Paris Octo
A man admires a 1955 Gibson Les Paul Goldtop guitar belonging to David Gilmour of Pink Floyd (R) and a sunburst Fender Stratocaster formerly owned by Jimi Hendrix (C) at the 'Travelling Guitars' exhibition at the Cite de la Musique in Paris October 10, 2006. Hendrix burned the Stratocaster on stage at the London Astoria in 1967. It was then given to Frank Zappa during his tour with Hendrix at the Miami Pop Festival in 1968. Zappa decided to restore the guitar to working order in 1978. REUTERS/Benoit Tessier

After a three-year hiatus, it appears that “Guitar Hero” could be making a comeback. A report from Kotaku UK states that the game series might even make its return this year, which is a curious decision, seeing that a similar report a few days ago stated that Harmonix would also be working on a brand new “Rock Band” game for the next-gen consoles.

Fans should probably expect an announcement on E3 2015, regarding the game’s future and the possibility of a brand new “Guitar Hero” game. Polygon notes that there will be new instrument peripherals, which will be made for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Another leaked feature revealed, is that the new “Guitar Hero” game may have more realistic looking characters for the franchise’s next-gen debut. Previous games in the “Guitar Hero” franchise had characters be more cartoony than realistic, though it did lead to characters some would call humorous, like Lou The Devil.

One thing that was not confirmed was if characters from the previous games would also be making a comeback. While the games did have some celebrity cameos, like Slash from Guns N’ Roses and Tom Morello from Audioslave and Rage Against the Machine, the series also had its fair share of original characters. Johnny Napalm, Axel Steel and Izzy Sparks were considered favourites amongst many fans, so it could interest many to see these characters look more realistic, though that’s assuming they do in fact return.

ActiVision had actually “killed” the franchise back in 2011. Eurogamer had contacted the company at the time, where a representative admitted that games like “Guitar hero” and “Rock Band” had somewhat lost interest with many fans. Kotaku also stated that sales eventually declined for the series, with the last game released being “Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock.”

"We don't comment on rumour or speculation, but have previously said, that as one of the most beloved entertainment franchises, we would only bring Guitar Hero back if we developed the right innovations to usher the franchise into the new generation of gaming," said an ActiVision representative to Kotaku UK, who reached out for a comment.

Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock - Official Debut Trailer HD (Credit: YouTube/guitarherogames)

Contact Writer at: n.parungo@ibtimes.com.au