Steve Jobs
IN PHOTO: Apple Corporation CEO Steve Jobs speaks during his keynote speech at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, California Reuters/Kimberly White

A new Apple Watch video has surfaced and it was, by far, the most interestingly nostalgic video to make it out to the Internet. Apparently, it was created as a tribute to Steve Jobs, and, of course, to the wearable device itself, according to Digital Trends.

It depicted how Jobs would have introduced Apple’s top-selling wearable tech to the market. The video was so cleverly made with Jobs’ actual voice over, that it sounded to be a product advertisement that was narrated by the late Jobs himself.

The voice clips were derived from the most recent announcements and press conferences that he has made before he died, and were stitched together.

“Every once in a while, a revolutionary product comes along,” Jobs said in the voice over. “That changes everything. We are going to take the biggest leap since the original iPhone.” This was Jobs’ actual statement when launched the very first iPhone device in 2007. The latter part of the voice over was a clip that was obtained from Jobs’ statement when the iPhone 4 was launched.

Jobs’ voice continued to heard as he resumed describing the “beautiful, stainless steel band” of the iPhone 4, and even called the sixth generation iPod Nano as “instantly wearable.”

The Apple Watch is the Cupertino-based company’s very first smartwatch, which means it is the first device that the company launched as their entry to the wearable technology market. The Apple Watch was launched following Jobs’ death, which makes it a bittersweet feat for avid Apple users.

Jobs was quite known for his iconic product launches. Even non-Apple fans can vouch that he always had a stage presence, which was not so common among CEOs at the time. Sadly, the world will never know how Apple’s former CEO would have done the unveiling of the Apple Watch, but this fan-made, honorary video, which can be viewed on YouTube, was cleverly done that it became nostalgic, to say the least.

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