Former US president Donald Trump addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) several times during his presidency, often delivering some of his longest speeches
Former US president Donald Trump addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) several times during his presidency, often delivering some of his longest speeches

Former President Donald Trump shared his stance on the Russian invasion of Ukraine more than a year since it began.

In his response to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Trump said he wants to end the war immediately by putting Russia and Ukraine at the negotiating table.

"Both sides are weary and ready to make a deal. The meetings should start immediately, there is no time to spare. The death and destruction must end now!" Trump said, Fox News reported.

Trump, who is running for president for a third time, said the U.S.'s objective in the Ukraine war is to "help and secure Europe." However, the former president castigated Europe for not helping in the war.

Trump said the U.S.'s limit to providing assistance to Ukraine would "strongly depend" on his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin while insisting that Europe "must pay."

The former president also argued that the U.S.'s sanctions against Russia "have not been effective" in deterring them from attacking Ukraine.

Trump also believed the U.S. faces a high risk of a nuclear confrontation with Russia under President Joe Biden.

When asked if the U.S. should support ousting Putin from power, Trump said it is "more important" to support replacing Biden than supporting a regime change in Russia.

Trump's comments about the ongoing war in Ukraine echoed his previous remarks that he would have allowed Putin to control "certain areas" in the beleaguered country to avoid the conflict.

In his radio interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, the former Republican president said he could have negotiated a deal with Russia and Ukraine while boasting that Russian forces did not occupy any region in Europe under his watch.

During his speech at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump said he would solve the Russia-Ukraine war in one day, arguing that he knew what to say to Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

The former president also insisted that he was the only presidential candidate promising to avoid World War III.

Trump made his stand on the Russia-Ukraine tensions clear since the early stage of the war.

He previously called Putin a "genius" and "savvy." He also touted that he trusts the Russian president more than the U.S. intelligence community.

According to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the U.S., under the Biden administration, had already committed almost $80 billion to assist Ukraine in its war with Russia.

About $46.6 billion was committed to bolstering the Ukrainian military's capability to fight Russian forces.


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