“Holland’s Got Talent” is getting worldwide attention after one of its judges repeatedly delivered racist barbs to a contestant of Chinese descent. The most incredulous part of the now-viral cringe-worthy clip is that Gordon Heuckeroth seemed oblivious to how offensive he was being to participant Xiao Wang.

The incident took place during the audition stages of the show. When Xiao, a modest-looking man in a tux entered the stage, Gordon couldn’t seem to stop himself from firing off one racist remark after another.

Xiao told Gordon and his co-judges, Dutch singer-actress Chantel Janzen and American choreographer Dan Karaty, that he was going to sing opera, and Gordon quickly asked, “Which number are you singing, number 39 with rice?”

The business and economic student then impressed the judges and the audience with his rendition of “La donna e mobile.”

But what was supposed to be a jovial moment for Xiao became an awkward episode for him and for the rest of the people in the studio, save for Gordon, who was enjoying taunting him with racial gibes.

“Well, that was a big surprise,” an amazed Chantel told Xiao.

“Suplise!” Gordon jumped in, laughing at his own joke.

He added, “I tell you honestly, this is the best Chinese I had in weeks. And it’s not a takeaway.”

Dan, who was squirming in his seat since Gordon uttered his first insult, couldn’t stop himself, telling Gordon, “Don’t do that.”

But the other judge was oblivious still. He continued his speech, praising Xiao’s talent, but ruining the moment once more when he said that they are going to vote “for the people of the Republic of China.”

According to Gawker, as the contestant left the stage, Gordon turned around to the audience and said in Dutch, “he looks like a waiter from a Chinese restaurant.”

Dan gently admonished his fellow judge, saying, “You’re really not supposed to say things like that to people.” To which a clueless Gordon replied, “What?”

Gordon’s racist digs appalled viewers and other Netizens who have watched the clip online, many of whom wondered why the audience in the studio didn’t call Gordon out for his behaviour.

“I’m surprised nobody in the crowd booed him,” a commenter on Reddit asked.

Another observed, “Worse than cringe; I’m genuinely disgusted, that judge is a vile excuse for a human. Why wasn’t there more of a backlash from the audience?!”

A Dutch commenter explained that “People have apparently gotten immune to Gordon’s many faults, since he insults pretty much everyone, foreign or not.”

A number of online viewers are calling for Gordon’s termination from the show, asking Simon Cowell, who started the “Got Talent” international franchise, to fire the Dutch personality.

No word on whether Simon has been made aware of the incident, though.

Xiao, by the way, got three yes votes, allowing him to enter the next stage of the competition. He appeared to be uncomfortable with Gordon’s unfunny remarks, but he disguised it with laughter.

Watch the clip below: