Kristen Stewart would not have agreed to take on the lead role for the film "Snow White and The Huntsman" if the character was way too perfect.

Is Snow White really far from perfect? The actress who portrays Snow White spoke about the character in her latest movie. Stewart claimed that she admired the concept of director Rupert Sanders re-telling the story of Snow White. What Kristen Stewart loved the most is the idea of allowing her character to be simple, pure, kind and in touch with animals as well as the earth but at a point that she is still human with some flaws.

"I think what we were excited to do was put her in a world of danger and see if she could actually remain that person and humanize her a bit and not make her this like fairy-tale archetypal perfect girl. It is hard to root for someone who is clearly not going to lose," the 22-year old actress said on an interview with "Freshly Squeezed."

Stewart also shared her opinion that it was necessary to make some changes about the story of Snow White because she believed that fairytales are really old. However, the young actress admitted that these stories are worthwhile and it is probably one reason why they are still around.

"The stories stick around so long because there is something in them. They don't have the same impact unless you change a few things. In this case it was really important to make Snow White someone who encompasses the maternal, care-taking. I think it is totally worth it," Stewart explained.

"Snow White and The Huntsman" director, Rupert Sanders, revealed at the world premiere of the movie why he chose Kristen Stewart to portray Snow White for the movie.

"To be honest, having 100 billion fans is actually an advantage when you're making a big film like this," Sanders said. Stewart's ties to the "Twilight" films may be one reason why Sanders wanted to cast the actress. However, Stewart's strong belief about the lead character is what defines her and with that, Sanders found the perfect Snow White for the blockbuster fairytale movie.