‘Home and Away’ spoilers for Oct. 6: Secrets, lies and revelations hound Summer Bay; Nate and Duncan deal with hard decisions

Summer Bay faces a day of shocking bombshells and intense conflicts on the next episode of “Home and Away.” On Thursday, Billie Ashford (Tessa De Josselin) begs Nate Cooper (Kyle Pryor) to keep quiet about the identity of her baby’s real father. This is not the first time that a patient asked Nate for confidentiality – earlier, Caroline Stewart (
However, Caroline’s secret is about to come out after her son with Duncan goes missing. When the truth is revealed, Duncan Stewart (Benedict Wall) has no choice but to do what’s best for Bryce (Jack and Ace Long). The Oct. 6 episode also features other “Home and Away” cast members including Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher), Martin “Ash” Ashford (George Mason), Roo Stewart (Georgie Parker), VJ Patterson (Matthew Little), Leah Patterson-Baker (Ada Nicodemou), Zac Macguire (Charlie Clausen) and Hunter King (Scott Lee).
“Home and Away” stars Phoebe Nicholson (Isabella Giovinazzo), Katarina Chapman (Pia Miller), Justin Morgan (James Stewart), Brody Morgan (Jackson Heywood), Tori Morgan (Penny McNamee), Evelyn “Evie” MacGuire (Philippa Northeast), Olivia Richards (Raechelle Banno), Mason Morgan (Orpheus Pledger), Matt Page (Alec Snow), Ellie Page (Darcey Wilson), John Palmer (Shane Withington), Marilyn Chambers (Emily Symons) and Irene Roberts (Lynne McGranger).
Spoiler Alert! This article contains "Home and Away" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.
Back to the Bay reports that on Thursday’s run, Hunter and VJ get impulsive about their lifelong decisions. Meanwhile, Billie begs Nate not to expose the truth about her baby. Caroline, on the other hand, gets into trouble when her “special medication” leads to dire circumstances. Because of the incident, Caroline’s secrets are exposed. The upcoming episode also features Duncan, who comes to a difficult decision.
Seven Network posted a sneak peek of the Oct. 6 run. In the trailer, Billie comes clean to Nate that she was raped. However, she insists that no matter what the blood test results say, VJ is the father of her baby. Meanwhile, Caroline leaves Bryce to play alone outside while she rests. Later, Bryce is nowhere to be found, sending his family into frenzy. Roo finds Caroline’s drug stash and tells Duncan about it. He confronts his ex-wife and tells her that he’ll fight for full custody of their son.
“Home and Away” recap
In the previous episode, Phoebe called for help after hitting Billie with her car. Billie was rushed to the hospital and Nate examined her condition. VJ and Ash rushed to the hospital, and Phoebe owned up to the accident. Ash lashed out at her and Phoebe stammered as she tried to explain. After listening to Phoebe’s story, Ash realised it was the criminal’s fault.
At the hospital, Nate told VJ and Phoebe that Billie’s having internal bleeding and may need surgery. Ash and VJ debated over this procedure, which may be risky for Billie and the baby. Before the operation, the two went to Billie’s bedside to comfort her, but panicked when Billie began losing consciousness. Nate assured them that they’ll do everything to save both Billie and her baby.
Phoebe and VJ were both feeling guilty, while Ash was also in a state over her sister’s condition. Meanwhile, Nate was puzzled about the blood test – the baby’s results don’t match Billie’s or VJ’s. Later, Nate delivered the good news: Billie’s surgery went well and she’s on her way to recovery. The baby’s also fine, much to everyone’s relief. Nate, however, felt clueless about what to do with his discovery. The next day, Nate reiterated that both Billie and the baby are out of danger. He then asked to talk to Billie alone, and told her that he knows the truth: VJ is not the father of Billie’s baby.
Find out what happens next on “Home and Away,” which airs Monday to Thursday at 7pm on Seven Network in Australia. In the UK, “Home and Away” airs during weekdays at 1.15pm and 6pm on Channel 5.