‘Home and Away’ spoilers for Sept 13: Brody makes a shocking discovery about his family; Duncan’s wife is out to get him back

More stunning revelations await Summer Bay residents on the next episode of “Home and Away.” On Tuesday, Brody (Jackson Heywood) is horrified to find out that his family’s nightmares aren’t over yet. It appears that the federal police protector assigned to the Morgans has betrayed them from day one. It’s interesting whether Brody’s discovery has anything to do with a flashback he’s been having since the plane accident.
Meanwhile, Roo Stewart (Georgie Parker) also staggers when she learns that Duncan Stewart’s (Benedict Wall) ex-wife is there not only for the sake of their son, but also to rekindle a romance. Other “Home and Away” cast members who will also appear on the upcoming installment include Phoebe Nicholson (Isabella Giovinazzo), Justin (James Stewart), Tori Morgan (Penny McNamee), Mason Morgan (Orpheus Pledger), Katarina Chapman (Pia Miller), Martin “Ash” Ashford (George Mason) and Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher).
“Home and Away” also stars Nate Cooper (Kyle Pryor), Leah Patterson-Baker (Ada Nicodemou), Zac Macguire (Charlie Clausen), Evelyn “Evie” MacGuire’s (Philippa Northeast), Chris Harrington (Johnny Ruffo), Billie Ashford (Tessa De Josselin), VJ Patterson (Matthew Little), Hunter King (Scott Lee), Olivia Richards (Raechelle Banno), Matt Page (Alec Snow), Irene Roberts (Lynne McGranger), John Palmer (Shane Withington) and Marilyn Chambers (Emily Symons).
Spoiler Alert! This article contains "Home and Away" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.
Back to the Bay reports that on Tuesday, Brody reels from a new piece of information. Meanwhile, Kat and Ash become closer once again, hinting a rekindled romance. Elsewhere, Decker uses Phoebe to reach out to Justin.
Seven Network posted a sneak peek of the Sept. 13 episode. In the trailer, Decker gives Phoebe the same paper that he showed Justin before. Later, he also shows up at the Morgans’ house and talks to Brody, who snaps at him. Brody then frantically calls Justin and says that Decker has been lying to them from the start. Meanwhile, Caroline reveals to Roo about her true motives for their visit at Summer Bay: to win back Duncan. Alf certainly minces no words in expressing how she feels for Caroline and blasts Duncan for even spending time with her.
“Home and Away” recap
In the previous episode, Tori bumped into Nate at the beach and they had a quick run together. Later, Tori confided in on him regarding Duncan. Nate advised her to confront Duncan about it instead of going crazy thinking about what-if’s. Later, Tori sent Nate a glowing reference after his request. Chris teased him that by the looks of it, Tori likes Nate. Meanwhile, Caroline and Duncan caught up with each other’s lives. Duncan then went over to Tori’s house to clear the air. He insisted that Caroline’s visit was a surprise, and that their marriage was definitely over.
Justin turned up late for his date with Phoebe. He then said going out with her is not a good idea, much to her disappointment. She also became worried about him, having a sneaking feeling that something’s wrong again. Justin then informed Tori and their brothers about what happened with Decker. Justin also told Brody that he’s not pursuing Phoebe anymore.
Later, Phoebe showed up at the garage to make sure that Justin’s alright. Touched by her gesture, Justin decided to tell her the truth. Phoebe then said that she’ll think about whether to continue what they’re having. That night, Phoebe went back to the garage and kissed Justin passionately. However, it was a goodbye kiss – Phoebe decided she can’t be involved with someone so complicated.
Meanwhile, Brody continued to be haunted by weird dreams about his mum arguing with some guy. He told Tori about his dream, which he said felt more like a memory coming back to him. Tori advised him to stop agonising over it.
Click here to watch some episode previews from the official site of “Home and Away.” Find out what happens next on “Home and Away,” which airs Monday to Thursday at 7pm on Seven Network in Australia. In the UK, “Home and Away” airs during weekdays at 1.15pm and 6pm on Channel 5.