Battery life is one of the most important aspects a user should check when purchasing a phone or tablet. Battery life is affected by many factors, and the description written in the box of the product is usually under a condition set by the manufacturer during testing.

Though manufacturers do testing of their devices, battery life will change over time and continues to depreciate that will eventually require a replacement. So it is best to take good care of the battery to make it last for as long as possible.

Here are some tips to improve the energy of Android battery life:

1. Disable Connectivity Functions

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS require a lot of energy to connect and deliver data. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth that are constantly active and not actually being used will always look for something to connect which drains battery especially if there is nothing to hook up, similar to the mobile radio by the phone searching for a network carrier. GPS should be used if the app requires it to be active or if you are navigating using a map service; most location-based apps can retrieve information using Wi-Fi only.

2. Auto-Synching

This is very convenient if a user has many applications that require immediate updates in a regular basis such as social apps or e-mail. Auto-sync drains energy as well, similar to wireless connection. If there are no updates needed or if you can access them via browser, use it and deactivate auto-synching. Social apps and e-mail have their own settings for synching which can be changed anytime you need it.

3. Wallpapers

Android Home Screen is a part where beautiful live wallpapers can exist, but its drawback is eating away battery life. For a busy day, it is advisable to change your wallpaper into a static one until your charger is within reach. The maxim "Beauty has its price" applies here.

4. Brightness

Some devices are utilising the Auto-Brightness feature which shifts the light density depending on the surroundings. If this irritates you, turn it off and put the brightness in a low but visible level to save more juice to your battery. A widget for Android allows a user to toggle it in the home screen for easy access.

5. Display Itself

The screen displays of latest devices are larger and getting even larger, bringing out crisp and detailed images. That display is the major battery eater; the larger the screen, the more energy needed to power it up. Lower the brightness, adjust the animation for transition, shorten the screen time-out and disable automatic screen orientation to minimise display energy consumption.

6. Sounds and Vibration

If your device has a good speaker or you have a custom tone with higher volume rates, try lowering down the overall volume for ringtones and notifications. Another is the vibrate mode, use it only if necessary, the engine required to vibrate consumes energy.

7. Disable Some Running Apps

Go to the Settings > Applications > Manage Applications then click Running. It displays all applications that are running in the background. All of them are eating some amount of battery. Kill some of applications that you are not using during free time.

8. Flight and Sleep Mode

These features are not only best for hospitals or airplanes, both of these can be used to save up battery life. Whenever you are asleep and don't want to be bothered, turn on the Flight Mode or Sleep, and you will be surprised how much battery you have saved the next morning.

9. Weather Conditions and Temperature

Getting the device wet, chilled, or blazed isn't exactly going to help at all. First, avoid direct heat contact to the device because too much heat will drain more energy. Second, avoid liquids spill on the device to prevent short circuit and save yourself some time going to the shop. And third, too much cold may shut down the battery itself, similar to a frozen car engine.