Obviously, the world didn't end on Dec 21, 2012. After recovering from all the media frenzy the non-event generated, the question in many people's mind is what's next until the next cuckoo predicts another Doomsday and candles, shelters and miniature Noah's ark become bestsellers again?

For business-oriented individuals, here are at least five money-making ideas still linked with the failed apocalyptic prophecy.

1. Sell I Survived the Mayan Calendar T-Shirts, caps, hankies, mugs, tumblers, pens, keychains, scarves and other memorabilia that will remind man's folly in believing the Mayan prediction. Be creative in coming up with designs that would generate the most sales. Maybe you can get some ideas from these memes.

2. Make a Mayan-themed calendar literally. Of course, you don't have to make one that has a 5,000-year cycle since only Mayan descendants will buy that kind of calendar. Adapt to the modern era and still use the January to December model, but make it Mayan themed. Photos of ancient Mayan ruins are one possibility. Another is photos of Miss Universe 2012 candidates from countries with Mayan links such as Miss Guatemala and Miss Mexico.

3. Give shelter and Noah's ark builders a run for their own money by making your own versions of bomb-proof shelters and flood-proof boats and offer a sturdier model. For instance, Atlas Survival Shelter of California manufactured blast-proof shelters expected to last 200 years. Make yours last up to 300 years. Even without another Doomsday prophecy, the world would still be threatened by floods, volcano eruption, asteroid hits and nuclear attacks which would make these paraphernalia useful for those who wish to survive.

4. Make and sell survival kits. What use would it be holing up inside a bomb-proof shelter or tsunami-protected boat, but your supply would barely last you one week or you find it hard to sleep on the floor. Items that would fit this bill include first-aid kits, stoves and fuels, dehydrated meals, manually operated flashlights and radios, tin foil blankets, water purification systems and sleeping bags. Like item #3, these things are also useful for other man-made and natural disasters that may hit your place.

5. Tap into your creative skills and make Armageddon-themed paintings, sculptures, installations, films and stories based on the events that took place prior to Dec 21. Two filmmakers who immediately capitalised on the Mayan doomsday scenario were these two chaps named Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg who wrote and directed a comedy titled This is the End. Here is a trailer of their film.

The ideas for profiting from a failed Doomsday prophecy are plentiful as the number of nuts who would continue to issue predictions about end-of-the-world scenarios that would surely go kaput!