The Lord Mayor of Brisbane Cr Graham Quirk has signed an agreement with Huawei, a telecommunications giant in China, to encourage local students to study and learn with the company. Mr Quirk also said Huawei will be opening a new office in Brisbane.

As Mr Quirk visited the global headquarters of Huawei in Shenzen, China, he said Brisbane had many ICT students who would be a good match for the Huawei's undergraduate work experience programme. He was happy to noted that local students will benefit from this great opportunity to become part of one of the biggest research and development companies in the world.

In a press release sent to International BusinessTimes Australia, Mr Quirk said Brisbane is the new world city of Australia and the agreement with Huawei will engage the city with Asia. He said Australia as a whole is always looking for opportunities in the booming Asian region. He also revealed it is one of his main priorities to connect Brisbane with international students so that they can benefit from lifelong network of connections and mutual economic boom.

Jeremy Mitchell, Huawei Australia Corporate Affairs Director, said the company has over 70,000 engineers working in research and development around the world. Students in Brisbane will be able to access and learn from the company's Chinese innovation centres.

Mr Mitchell said it was innovation driving Huwei's success. He welcomed the idea of Brisbane students experiencing Huawei's innovation first-hand. He said more than half of the Australian population was already using a Huawei product. It will be a great time for Huawei to expand local operations by opening a new office in a new location.

Huawei Australia has announced the opening of a new office in Brisbane with nine staff to be added to its staff of 700, to which 85 per cent of that number are locals. Huawei already has offices in Sydney and Melbourne. The opening of the new Brisbane office will help extend the company's operations and consumer reach in Australia.

Huawei's annual undergraduate work experience program will involve students from Brisbane to go to Beijing and Shenzhen for a period of three weeks to undergo hands-on training. They will also participate in a workshop programme in the company's laboratories and centres.