Its only one month to go and fans are already hyping up for the much awaited release of the "Hunger Games" by March. Of course, what better way to keep the fans craving mad for more than to release a few great photographs for "The Hollywood Reporter".

Apart from a few drool-worthy photographs and some stills of the three main leads in the film alongside director, Gary Ross, "The Hollywood Reporter" managed to squeeze in a few more juicy details about the upcoming flick.

For a few fans that still haven't heard of them then fret not because everything you are in dire need to know about is here.

Jennifer Lawrence may have raised a few eyebrows when she was cast as Katniss Everdeen but little did fans of the book know that she took three days to mull over accepting the high-end role or not.

"I was so in love with the books and the script, and suddenly it was right in my face - and the size of the decision was terrifying," shared Jennifer.

Thankfully, her mother helped her out in the decision.

"I called my mom and she called me a hypocrite, because when I was doing indie movies and everyone was asking why I didn't do studio movies, I said, 'The size of the movie doesn't matter.' And she said, 'Here's a movie you love and you were thinking of turning it down because of its size.' I thought, 'I don't want to miss out because I'm scared. Me being scared, I never want that to stop me fromdoing something.' But I knew in my heart that I wanted it - it was about working out all the fears," added Jennifer.

Quite frankly, her mom did a great job at convincing Lawrence.

If Lawrence was worried about her transition from being and indie actress to a mainstream actress, then that would have been the littlest of her concerns. As for her pay, Jennifer Lawrence is said to be paid a whopping amount of $500,000 which does not include "escalators."

If that isn't enough, she's already in contract for the whole franchise along with Hutcherson and Hemsworth. $500,000 is a small amount compared to how much the budget cost was in filming the movie which was said to be roughly around $90 million.

Katniss Everdeen, Lawrence's' character, may be in favor with the odds on the film but in real life while the cameras were rolling, Jennifer did not have the same luck. The actress had quite an accident that almost cost the filming of the movie to halt.

"I had to do 10 'wall runs,' where you run at the wall as hard as you can to get traction," shared Lawrence.

"I ran at it and my foot didn't go up, so I caught the wall with my stomach. My trainer thought I had burst my spleen. I had to get a CAT scan and go into a tube where they put this fiery liquid in your body." added the star.

Thankfully, the filming continued which of course led to a few behind the scenes photo shoot with the lovely, Jennifer Lawrence, and her two other handsome co-stars, Josh Hutcherson and Liam Hemsworth.

Director Gary Ross also managed to get up close and personal with well-known photographer Joe Pugliese during photo call.