If Aussie children would have their way, most of the gifts they want to receive this Christmas would be techie gadgets and toys from popular cartoon or movie characters.

A survey by market research firm Roy Morgan, released on Thursday, said that iPods topped the list with 74 per cent of Australian children aged 6 to 13 naming the music gadget as their number one choice for a Christmas gift.

Other electronic play things on their gift wish list are: Nintendo Wii (64 per cent), Playstation 3 (46 per cent), and Xbox 360 (43 per cent).

Among toys from cartoons and movies, play items that Aussie kids yearn for the Yuletide holidays are from The Simpsons (53 per cent), SpongeBob Square Pants (46 per cent), Harry Potter (41 per cent) and Toy Story 38 per cent).

Both genders desired the iPod, but the gaming consoles are more popular with boys, while among girls, items they consider as cool Christmas gifts are Disney characters, clothes from Roxy and toys from Hannah Montana and Toy Story.