“S & M” hitmaker, Rihanna has made it clear in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine that she consented to a downgraded stay-away order for Chris Brown because she was avoiding ‘to hurt his career’.

The 23-year-old Barbadian singer was quick to point out that having agreed to allowing Chris Brown coming closer to her does not mean she is ready to rub elbows again with her ex-beau.

"It doesn't mean we're gonna make up or even talk again. It just means I didn't want to object to the judge," Reuters quoted Rihanna as telling the magazine in an excerpt that was published Wednesday.

Rihanna, who was friends with Brown before they got involved romantically, reiterated that she was only concerned for her ex-boyfriend’s career.

"We don't have to talk ever again in my life," Rihanna asserted. "I just didn't want to make it more difficult for him professionally. What he did was a personal thing -- it had nothing to do with his career. Saying he has to be a hundred feet away from me, he can't perform at awards shows -- that definitely made it difficult for him."

With the February ruling of the LA judge in February, Brown could now go to Rihanna as close as 10 yards away. He was previously ordered not to come within 50 yards with his ex-girlfriend.

Read IBTimes Full Report:
"UPDATE: Chris Brown now allowed to get closer to Rihanna”

Both Rihanna and Chris Brown have moved on after the controversial assault in 2009. Chris Brown was last spotted with his girlfriend a day after his guest appearance on ABC’s “Good Morning America”, while Rihanna is currently linked to actor, Colin Farrell.

Rihanna is featured in the April issue of Rolling Stone Magazine, scheduled out in the market on April 1.

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“Chris Brown eyeing for an eased restraining order”“
Chris Brown feels trapped in issues on 2009-Rihanna-assault