Despite of all the rumors about them splitting up, it is planned for the one of the "Most Powerful Couple", Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, to sit next to each other at the American Music Awards this November 18, 2012. Boy, is this something "Jelena" fans should definitely look forward to.

However, even with the news of the couple finally sharing a seat together at the prestigious musical event, this alone is no clear indicator that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are in fact in good ters. Fans may notice that the Canadian crooner and the Latina beauty have not been spotted together for quite a while. It has been months since the reported date and months of circulating rumors of a split between the famed "Jelena" duo.

To add fuel to the fire, Selena Gomez has been rumored to be spending a lot of her time with BFF, country crooner, Taylor Swift. Perhaps the two singers are creating a tune about a break-up in the works? Still, with Bieber and Gomez not being spotted together for a while it would of course lead overdramatic fans and media having made-up speculations on the couple's relationship.

Sources and web tanloids keep pressing on that the couple's relationship is on the rocks or worse news is that the "Jelena" duo has really parted ways. Yet, with all the rumors, news is in fact that the couple will be showing and seating together at the upcoming American Music Awards of 2012.

"Selena and Justin will be sitting side by side at the upcoming American Music Awards. They sat next to each other in the front row last year, and they will be sitting in the front row this year," explains the source to Hollywood Life.

If it is really over between the two, for sure they will be contacting the AMAs and arranged for the two to sit separately. This news would definitely lead fans to go crazy over single, Justin Bieber or mourn over the loss of the "Jelena" duo.

Apart from seeing the couple together at the AMAs, "Beliebers" will be happy to hear that Justin will be performing at the event along with his mentor Usher, Pink and Kelly Clarkson.

"It's going to be the best American Music Awards show ever and there will be lots of surprises. It's the 40th anniversary," added the source.