Jenna-Louise Coleman, who plays the role of Clara Oswald in the BBC hit show "Doctor Who," is set to quit, new reports suggest. After eighteen months of playing the role as the Time Lord's assistant, the 28-year-old is set to leave the show most likely after the new season. The series is set to return on BBC One on Aug 23 for Season 8 and Jenna will reportedly leave the show at the time of Christmas, it has been revealed.

Jenna-Louise Coleman stars in the current show as Clara, the assistant to new "Doctor Who" Peter Capaldi. Coleman's exit is reportedly planned with a thrilling story line that will happen at the time of its Christmas episodes, The Mirror is reporting.

Jenna decided to quit the show to keep it more interesting for its viewers with a new story line and give way to a new companion for the doctor. "The conversations about Jenna's exit have started, and a plan is in place which is being ironed out. By the time she leaves she will be one of the longest-standing companions ever. She has been absolutely brilliant in the role, but everyone agrees it is a part that should change after a period," revealed a source to the Mirror.

Jenna's decision to quit the show has been called a "mutual decision" by the Web site as the show's producers too felt that "the time is just starting to feel right" for her exit. Jenna's role as a companion and assistant to new doctor in the science fiction series has been highly appreciated by the viewers and show's producers too.

The time-travelling doctors in the "Doctor Who" series have so far had 60 assistants since the series started way back in 1963. The actresses who played the role in the past include Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Catherine Tate as Donna Noble and Billie Piper as Rose Tyler.

BBC has not released any official statement about Jenna's departure from the show. The actress too has not released any information about her exit on any of her social media accounts.

Meanwhile, BBC has released the official trailer of its first episode of "Doctor Who" titled "Deep Breath," which is set to return on television on Saturday. The trailer gives a sneak peak of the adventures which the new doctor will undertake and it includes tackling with dinosaurs in the Victorian London. Read more about it here.