"The Rum Diary" was a movie close to the heart of Johnny Depp but shooting it almost cost him his life.

Depp stars in an adaptation of Hunter S. Thompson's novel about a journalist who ventured to Puerto Rico and worked at a local newspaper.

The movie showcased beautiful parts of Puerto Rico however getting to one place to the other was a bit difficult. How difficult? Their plane shut down and almost crashed.

"The plane just shut down," Depp recalled the incident and told Life Magazine. "The sound of the engines stopped. There was silence. Bruce [Robinson, the film's director] and I were looking at each other and I think I said, 'Is this it?' It was like this weird extended moment when you're just floating for a second and you could feel this unpleasant descent," the movie star added.

Now how did the actor famous for his role as the strategic Captain Jack Sparrow react?

"Nobody said a word except for Bruce and I, sitting next to each other saying, 'Oh sh*t! This is death; I guess this is how it goes down," Depp said. "Then we burst into hysterical laughter at the idea that this was how we were going to die," he said in conclusion.

The plane kicked back into gear and all went well. But a rather different crash met Johnny Depp. The film garnered poor reviews and made only $5.6 million in the box office at its opening.

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