Following their 0-0 draw against Manchester United, Chelsea FC manager Jose Mourinho is back on track to inducing star striker Wayne Rooney to head to Stamford Bridge, but this time, he brought an ultimatum with him.

"The person who started the story has to finish the story. I want him to say if he wants to stay or go. A club like us, a manager like me and the people who work with me are not silly," Mourinho told the Daily Mail.

The "special one" also emphasised that the all the hoopla was not initiated by the Blues Camp and that the highly regarded striker must voice out his decision, once and for all.

"We didn't start the story. Somebody start the story by saying clearly I want to go to Chelsea, I don't want to stay at Manchester United."

"We are not crazy to find good players who say they are happy at their clubs but I think he has to say I want to leave or he has to say I want to stay."

In spite of the fuss, Rooney's was able to deliver a quality performance that displayed his professionalism, to the pleasure of the Blues boss.

"We have 24-48 hours to close it or we move on. We are trying to get a player from a big club and they don't want to sell. We wouldn't try to get someone if he didn't start it. It's time to make a decision. He was a real professional he tried to win, score, he was fantastic."

"He played a fantastic match in difficult circumstances. He told someone close to him that is very important that he wanted to leave."

"Many players in this situation, they can't express themselves in the pitch. He did, he was fantastic."

Meanwhile, Mourinho showed that he was not desperate to secure the striker's signature, and that he could live and move on with or without Rooney.

"After that if he wants to leave he has to say. If he doesn't want to leave any more we respect it and we say thank you and we move on.