Joss Whedon's leaked 'Wonder Woman' script gets crucified online
Script first leaked via Indieground Films’ website

Joss Whedon is being roasted online after his lost “Wonder Woman” script leaked online for everyone to see. The popular TV and film producer had prior experience working with female-centric shows such as “Firefly” and “Buffy,” so many were surprised about how he almost made “Wonder Woman” what it could have been. Whedon penned a screenplay based on the DC character in 2006 with Joel Silver, who almost became the producer of such project, but it did not push through.
Had it gone ahead, there could have been a powerful superhero movie alongside Christopher Nolan’s "The Dark Knight." The film was actually written two years after the forgettable and disastrous “Catwoman” movie and 11 years after everyone would get a real “Wonder Woman” standalone movie.
Everyone might have been excited about what Whedon might have been able to contribute to “Wonder Woman,” but such is not the case. The script had first leaked in Indieground Films’ website last May, and a lot of people believed that this was real since it bears the Silver Pictures, watermark, date and a dialogue identical to Whedon’s style. The script was roasted when it first leaked online but it has now died down. However, it is again on the hot seat this week after a Twitter thread started trending.
Rave Sashayed, a Twitter user, shared what she thought was the worst parts of the leaked dialogue. It was a “viscerally insulting experience," she said. She also calls the script “gut-deep bad, angry and depressing” and that it made her feel like she was picking on a scared nerd.
The script’s introduction to the character says that “to say she is beautiful is almost to miss the point. She is elemental, as natural and wild as the luminous flora surrounding. Her dark hair waterfalls to her shoulders in soft arcs and curls.” The script also has allegedly racist and stereotypical portrayal of a gangster villain, multiple references to the lead character as a “bitch” and a “whore,” and in some instances, Diana sexy-dances to distract male villains. In the past, Whedon had admitted that he was thinking of Angelina Jolie while he was coming up with his take on “Wonder Woman.”
With such a brutal take on “Wonder Woman,” some Twitter users are starting to worry about what Whedon would have to offer when he helms the Batgirl film soon. Whedon himself has not yet commented about the leaked script.