Xbox One
Xbox One is shown on display during a press event unveiling Microsoft's new Xbox in Redmond, Washington May 21, 2013. Reuters/Nick Adams

The open-world action-adventure series "Just Cause" has never been short on style. The first game, released in 2006 on Xbox, Xbox 360 and PS2, introduced gamers to a uniquely fun brand of acrobatic improvised carnage. Armed with a grappling hook and a parachute, players roamed the open world searching for vehicles, outposts and infrastructure to destroy in the most spectacularly inventive ways they could think of. The second game, released in 2010 for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, built on those foundations and refined the formula. "Just Cause 3" is due for release later this year, and developer Avalanche Studios have just released the game's first trailer.

The stylish video, which appeared on the official "Just Cause" YouTube page is set to a cover of The Prodigy's "Firestarter" and shows no gameplay. Instead, it showcases several shots of burning twisted rubble and charred metal falling to the ground as billowing smoke and smouldering flame lick steel in slow motion.

Emerging from the fiery turmoil is a silver car, seemingly undamaged until it hurtles into a concrete wall, setting off a series of thunderous explosions. There's an image of a military figure burning on a flag. It's likely the game's antagonist dictator, given the pro-revolutionary bent of "Just Cause 1" and "Just Cause 2." As a statue of the dictator crumbles in flame, the trailer zooms out until the image is reflected in a human eyeball. The video pulls back to reveal protagonist Rico Rodriguez full in flame, rushing downward through the air. The trailer closes as Rico whips open his wing suit, soaring above a mountain range and zooming toward the camera.

"Just Cause 3" promises to bring a number of enhancements over its predecessors, including a new setting and equipment for the game's protagonist, Rico Rodriguez. Set in the Mediterranean this time, the game equips Rico with a new gadget, the wing-suit, which is seen briefly at the end of the trailer. The wing-suit works in tandem with Rico's signature grappling hook. Once Rico's attached himself to an object, he can accelerate toward it and activate the wing-suit in order to gain altitude.

In an interview with IGN, Avalanche Chief Creative Officer Christofer Sundberg mentioned that the game's development has been moved to the company's newly founded New York offices. The team hopes that having U.S. developers handle the title will broaden its appeal.

"It needed to have a set of fresh eyes on it; 'Just Cause' has always performed better in Europe than it has in the U.S., so I think it can benefit from being developed in the U.S. It was a perfect match," he said.

Though originally rumoured to be a free-to-play title powered by micro-transactions, developer Avalanche Studios stated on its website that this was categorically not the case. The studio also promised to look into post-release DLC packs and items in an attempt to support the game for years to come. "Just Cause 3" is set for release on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One some time during the holidays 2015.

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(Credit: YouTube/Just Cause)