Justin Bieber Pays Germany €8,000 for Pet Monkey’s Care

Canadian pop star Justin Bieber not only won't get back his pet monkey, Mally. He also has to pay the German government €8,000 for the care of the animal now living at a zoo in North Germany.
The payment is fine on Bieber for trying to bring in his pet without vaccination and import documents when the singer arrived in March 2013 in Munich for a concert. Because of the lack of documentation, customs seized the monkey.
The payment included a bill for several weeks of care at an animal shelter before Mally was transferred to the zoo. If Bieber didn't pay the fine, he would have legal problems when traveling to EU.
Mally, which was 23 weeks old in May 2013, was transferred to the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, preceded by a 25-day quarantine. The former Bieber pet has six capuchine monkeys as mates in the zoo made up of three male and three female monkeys.
Mally is also a capuchine, a specie which National Geographic said is cute but shouldn't be kept as pets, even by celebrities like Bieber.
Debbie Leahy, manager of the Humane Society of the United States, told National Geographic that primate species should not be kept as pets because of their special needs. Being highly social animals, they should be kept with other monkey for the psychological well-being, she explained.