"In Time" actor Justin Timberlake was true to his words and attended the Instructor Battalion Marine Corps Ball last Saturday.

Last summer, Justin Timeberlake received an invitation via YouTube from a servicewoman in the Marine Corps asking him to accompany her in the ball. The invitation is from Corporal Kelsey De Santis.

According to De Santis, she was inspired to make a YouTube video to ask Justin Timberlake to go with her in the ball after the actor encouraged "Friends With Benefits" co-star Mila Kunis to accept similar invitation.

In the video, De Santis said, "You want to call out my girl Mila? Well, I'm going to call you out and ask you to come to the Marine Corps ball with me on November 12."

"If you can't go, all I have to say is, cry me a river," De Santis closed.

According to JT's post, he and Kesley had an ample time to chat before the evening's event. One of the topics of their conversation is her training in mixed martial arts "with a passion, a discipline, and a respect." He was struck by her concern with his comfort at the ball.

"I have to tell you, it's not every day that I meet a 23-year-old girl and she's more worried about if I'm having fun or if I'm comfortable!" Timberlake wrote. "It hit me all of a sudden that these were the type of people that look after us and our freedom... Last night changed my life and I will never forget it."

A wife of a military personnel said that Justin Timberlake seemed a normal guy and was courteous to pose for some photo op.

In a post in the actor's website, Justin said that he was tearful watching the video tribute to Marine Corps.

Justin's co-star Mila Kunis is set to attend a similar event Sergeant Scott Moore on November 18 in Greenville, North Carolina.

Watch the plea of combat instructor Kelsey De Santis in the video below.

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