American Football Club Kansas City and the ‘Livestrong’ foundation have signed a deal to name the city stadium after the foundation established by cyclist hero, Lance Armstrong.

According to the Agence France Presse a deal was struck between Kansas City and the foundation that fights cancer and promotes awareness and education on cancer issues.

The deal guarantees that the foundation has no financial obligations to the city even if the stadium will carry the foundation’s name, ‘Livestrong’ in the next six years.

It was also stated in the deal that the foundation will even receive a part of the gate receipts from the stadium, which has 18,500 -seating capacity. The expected amount to be given to the foundation is estimated in the six-year deal at 10 million dollars (7.2 million euros).

Tour de France winner and a cancer survivor Lance Armstrong is the founder of Livestrong. He retired from the race after the tournament in Australia in January this year.

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