Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's divorce gave cynical people every right to say their magic words of "I told you so." The couple's dramatic split is said to be centered on reputation and child custody rather than their failed and everlasting love story. Speculations have already been going on over whose image between the two Hollywood stars will suffer the most. Critics believed that Tom Cruise will be the one to hugely deal with the damaging blow if Katie Holmes will be granted the sole custody of their 6-year old daughter, Suri.

According to Dorie Clark, author of the upcoming book "Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future," Tom Cruise may definitely have the most to lose. "There's no question this divorce is going to hurt his public image," Clark said. She further noted that Cruise's reputation has already been tarnished when he was infamously jumping on Oprah Winfrey's couch and videos of the actor praising the religion Scientology were leaked online. "This divorce is another opportunity for questions to be raised about his personal life, his religious beliefs," Clark explained.

Meanwhile, Dorie Clark stated that the divorce will actually help Katie Holmes a lot. "More people are going to be thinking about her and aware of her. This is generating a lot of sympathy and interest from people," Clark said. "Tom Cruise's brand has always been the dynamic, likable hero. The Mission Impossible star that you're rooting for. And it becomes harder for the public to get behind someone as a hero and want to go to the box office and cheer them on when there are serious questions about what kind of husband and father he is," she further added.

A California divorce lawyer, Michael Kelly, also asserted that Katie Holmes' East Coast divorce filing is a very tactical move which will help the actress gain advantage of the situation. Holmes' push for sole child custody is reportedly centering upon Cruise's links to the Church of Scientology. Kelly also said that New York's comparative-fault divorce laws could work to Holmes' advantage. Katie Holmes ended her fairytale marriage by filing for divorce in New York City even though the couple lived in Los Angeles. This will be Tom Cruise's third divorce for he was previously married to Mimi Rogers and Australian actress Nicole Kidman.