"Twilight" protagonist and superstar Kristen Stewart graced the covers of the upcoming November issues of U.K.'s top magazines, Glamour and GQ.

Kristen Stewart sported a Bottega Venetta top and Current/Elliot jeans on the cover of Glamour magazine. In a short chit-chat with the magazine, Stewart gave out relationship advice. "Hmm...good relationship advice for me tends to be being honest and knowing yourself. Don't be an a-hole. That's my advice. Don't be mean. Don't take s-. Don't settle," she said.

In GQ, Stewart wears an old-fashioned black bikini with a bright red lipstick.

In her interview with GQ, she said that she looked like a boy for a long time and now she feel like a woman.

This is not the first time that Stewart stripped down to her bikini. The upcoming first part film of the fourth installment of the Twilight saga will show bikini-clad Stewart for her honeymoon with vampire played by Robert Pattinson.

Catch "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1" in theaters on November 18.