Khloe Kardashian is reportedly going to join and advertise a major dating Web site.

Back in December, Khloe filed for divorce from Lamar Odom. Do you think that joining a dating site after a divorce is a good idea? Well, there are many consequences or maybe benefits of joining a dating site following a divorce. It may be another way for Khloe to meet like-minded people.

According to the, there was a new report from OK! Magazine stating that the 29-year-old reality TV star is soon to become a part of a major dating site and her mom, Kris Jenner is, apparently, the culprit.

"Instead of trying to console Khloe through this difficult time, Kris is scheming for a way to turn the divorce into a cash cow," a source revealed.

"As soon as Khloe filed for divorce from Lamar Odom on Dec. 13, Kris started contacting dating Web sites like and, trying to get an exclusive deal for Khloe to use one of the services to find a new husband," the source added.

However, refuted the story and said that there is not an ounce of truth to it.

For women, celebrities or not, joining a dating Web site can be great ordeal. For Khloe, she seems to be handling her divorce from Lamar really well. Joining a dating Web site may be the last thing that she would want to do.

Now that the Valentine's Day is just around the corner, she would rather spend it with her family and friends rather than spend hours on an online dating site

Khloe is out to prove that spending the Hearts Day after her divorce from Lamar doesn't have to be an unexciting or a lonely experience. She is certainly making sure that her separation from Lamar doesn't get the best of her.

The reported that Khloe would spend the V-Day with her family and some close friends.

"For Valentine's Day, she wants to be with her family and close friends," a source told

"Valentine's for her is about love, not necessary romantic love," the source added. Khloe is just thinking of herself right now. "She's all about loving herself right now, and treating herself like a princess, instead of waiting for a guy to do it," the source said.

There are some women who harbor secrets regrets in the marriage, but Khloe isn't one of them. Even though her marriage with Lamar didn't work out and ended in a divorce, she didn't feel any regret marrying the former NBA player.

"Khloe still loves Lamar," a source further told the popular entertainment Web site. She gave her heart to Lamar so it is natural to feel that she still loves her soon-to-be ex-husband.

"She doesn't regret getting married to him," the source added. Khloe knows that nothing happen by chance or luck. She is optimistic that she'll soon find love if she stays loving and open.