'The Last Kingdom' series 2 episode 5 recap and spoilers: Dead Dane speaks

“The Last Kingdom” series 2 episode 5 begins 3 years after the siege of Dunholm. The plot basically focused on a dead Dane who makes an astonishing prophecy about Uhtred. The Viking brothers are back, and they lead their army into yet another battle. The following article contains spoilers.
Over the years, Uhtred (Alexander Dreymon) has settled into a family life with his wife and children. His son is growing up fast, and he also has a daughter. He keeps himself busy by fighting raiders coming into his land.
Uhtred gets a surprise visit from Aethelwold (Harry McEntire), but what is even more surprising is the fact that he is sober. The young Saxon still feels he is the rightful heir the throne on which Alfred (David Dawson) continues to sit. What is most difficult to see is the king give away power and wealth to undeserving people, and neglect talented men.
Aethelwold speaks of a Dane who rises from the dead and gives out prophecies. Uhtred has seen this before, and is not very impressed. This is the main plot of “The Last Kingdom” series 2 episode 5, and the hero can’t ignore this story for long.
Soon, Alfred pays Uhtred a visit too. The king learns of the growing number of Danes across the border who don’t have a lord yet. The raids on Saxon lands continue, and King Guthrum (Thomas W. Gabrielsson) is either unable or unwilling to put a stop to it.
Uhtred’s advice to the king is to launch an attack and kill the Danes before they pose a threat. He warns that these men are waiting for a lord to serve, and pose an imminent danger. Like always, Alfred ignores this advice and orders him to maintain the peace.
One of the Viking brothers, Erik (Christian Hillborg), also visits Uhtred. He also speaks about the dead man coming back to life.
Uhtred finally decides to see this dead man who speaks. He is accompanied by his men and Aethelwold, who promises the hero the crown of Mercia, which is something the dead Dane prophesied.
The men cross the border to see this Bjorn (Oengus MacNamara). In the middle of the night, at a graveyard, everyone sees the miracle. The dead Dane speaks of the Viking brothers’ attack. He also says Uhtred is destined to be the king of both Saxons and Danes, something that Alfred dreams of doing one day. “The Last Kingdom” series 2 episode 5 was a buildup for the major war and other confrontations that are to come in the future.