The "Fifty Shades of Grey" Fever continues to lure in individuals from all walks of life. From ordinary folk to Hollywood celebrities, E.L. James' best-selling erotica novels continue to rake in readers. Even the Twitter-verse is in on the addiction, with Kim K and Miley tweeting all about the books.

"Fifty Shades of Grey" follows the story of 22-year old, Anastasia Steele, who agrees on a BDSM-filled affair with 27-year old entrepreneur, Christian Grey. The first few parts of the book may appear as a simple romance close to the likes of "The Notebook". However, further parts hold an even darker twist that is enough to keep readers glued to the book until the very end. James' has created a romance novel unlike any other which is a great enough reason why it has got a lot of people hooked.

The novel originally started out as a "Twilight" fan fiction based on Edward Cullen and Isabella Swan. Yet, the trilogy turned out to be an even better version of Stephanie Meyer's novels. Almost everyone in Hollywood is lining up to play the lead roles of Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey. These include Ian Somerhalder of the "Vampire Diaries" to Kristen Stewart of "Twilight".

Now while some celebrities are already campaigning for the role, a few others have just started out with the novels. Who would these A-list celebrities be? Well, one would be newly engaged, Miley Cyrus who had tweeted about reading the book in a very "awkward" situation.

"Reading 50 shades of grey next to the oldest dude ever. #awkward," tweeted Miley Cyrus.

"Keeping Up With the Kardashians'" star, Kim Kardashian is also one of the Hollywood stars who have recently picked up the book. Kim K took to Twitter last Wednesday night with a photo of the book.

"Should I or shouldn't I?," tweeted Kim.

Who better to push Kim K into reading the novel than Maxim's Hottest Woman of 2012, Bar Rafaeli.

"I'm already in the second one. I think that answers it," replied Rafaeli to Kim K's tweet.

With Kim Kardashian, Miley Cyrus and Bar Rafaeli on the bandwagon of celebrities reading the books, it'll just be a matter of time before one of them expresses interest in playing the part of Anastasia Steele.