You may be employed at the moment; in fact you may even be well-employed. But look at many others around you and what do you see?

Thousands are either unemployed or under-employed. Recently, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported that the economy lost 22, 100 jobs overall last April. This is short of the 17,000 jobs that economists had expected Australian employers to add. and hundreds of thousands of jobs being outsourced to lower wage countries. As if to confirm this trend, Australian media-giant Fairfax announced that it will outsource sub-editing positions.

What does the future hold for you? Is it possible that the sun is setting on the traditional one man/one job model of employment and income? Developing multiple income streams may become a necessary reaction to an environment where the unemployed often return to the work force in lower paying jobs. Quite telling is the 26, 900 part-time jobs added last April, according tot he ABS.

Foreign exchange, or currency trading, is one of those multiple income streams that allows you to profit for a few hours a day. Knowledge to Action cites 3 key reasons why one should do it :

  • You only need a laptop, internet connection, some relatively inexpensive software and professional training to get started. Forex trading can be done online.
  • You can trade from anywhere in the world at any time that suits you.
  • You can limit the risk on any trade to less than 1% of your account balance and leverage the upside for fantastic profit potential

Aside from that, you can avail of a seminar on forex trading for free. It won't be an inconvenience for you since Knowledge to Action conducts trainings and seminars in key cities around Australia and New Zealand. You can book a free forex seminar with Knowledge to Action around Australasia near you here.

Knowledge to Action are the World's largest Trader Coaching Company (and London Sunday Times FastTrack 100 Winner) and is running some completely free workshops to show you how you can get started, regardless as to whether you choose to trade full-time or part-time as a positive addition to your income.

"In the 2 weeks following completion of Knowledge to Action's Forex trading course I have placed 10 trades with 9 wins, 2472 pips and 18% profit. I would highly recommend this course to anyone wishing to generate significant income streams through trading, " says Paul Mooney.

Knowledge to Action states that their seminars are "educational" where they provide general advice and not just advice on particular trades, because foreign exchange (forex) trading is not suitable for all investors.

According to Knowledge to Action: "You can lose more than you invested by trading foreign exchange products because of leverage." They are quick to emphasize that need for training because an investor needs to "understand the risks involved and consider the appropriateness of trading in foreign exchange products having regard to your own particular objectives, financial situation or needs."

Are you ready for a free seminar to learn how to trade forex? FInd out if it suits your need to augment you income, and book yourself a training with Knowledge to Action right in your city.