Lorde knows that she looks like Gollum when she performs on stage. The new international sensation from New Zealand has indulged fans for an hour on Monday by answering questions through Reddit’s AMA (Ask Me Anything), talking about her performance on stage, her plans for the future, and her obsession with her teeth among many other bizarre topics.

The “Royals” hitmaker has been amassing praises for her unique sound since releasing her first track earlier in 2013, but not everyone thinks that she’s the best performer on stage. When a Redditor pointed out that there are people who criticise the way she performs, Lorde said that she’s okay with not looking pretty while she sings.

“i know when i’m onstage, i don’t think about how it looks, i just concentrate on really feeling what i hear. but i totally know i look like Gollum when i perform, so it’s cool,” she wrote, referring to the infamous “Lord of the Rings” character.

At 17, she is still considered young in the music industry, but she doesn’t regret entering it before she even reaches the legal age.

“i feel like i learnt early on how things worked and that gave me a good understanding of what could be f***** with/which rules were dumb and shouldn’t have to be followed. plus, i can sit down with basically the most intimidating people in the industry and not flinch. and maybe even make them flinch. or cry. heh.”

As for future plans, she’s still not sure if she will go back to school. She hasn’t completely abandoned her education, though, as she reads academic writings from teachers regularly.

But if in the future she decides that school isn’t for her, it would be Jennifer Lawrence’s fault.

“i read this cool thing jennifer lawrence said the other day about learning about the world through books vs her real world experience, and i’m definitely feelin that right now. but maybe that’s just a lazy person’s excuse.”

If there’s one thing that Lorde has continually been yakking about in her album “Pure Heroine,” it would be teeth.

As the teen star explained, it’s “just a weird obsession that has been with me always. ironically, i hate dentists.”

Lorde’s shiny dark curls are perhaps her signature look, but she’s not as fixated on them as one would think. In fact, she doesn’t even know the brand of the shampoo she’s using.

“My mum buys it in 2-litre bottles from the supermarket i don’t even know,” she answered when a Redditor asked her about the brand.

Lorde will be performing at a major music festival in North America in 2014. Which one is yet to be confirmed as she ignored follow-up questions regarding the matter.

Speaking of festivals, she has cancelled her appearance at the Auckland leg of the Laneway Festival in January to attend the Grammy Awards. She’s nominated for four major trophies at the prestigious award-giving body so she’s expected to be there.

Fans who bought tickets to the festival just to see her don’t need to worry, though. She’s conducting a free concert two days after the festival to make up for her absence.