'Luke Cage' season 2 spoilers: Lucy Liu joins cast
"Luke Cage" season 2 is slated for 2018

The first season of “Luke Cage” truly delivered in terms of what fans wanted to see. Fans are nothing short of excited as to what the Netflix show will bring for its second season. True enough, there will be some familiar faces, but there will also be new ones such as Lucy Liu, who was recently seen on set.
The show has had a lot of directors and guest actors in recurring roles, and this trend is likely to continue towards the second season. One of these new actors could be Lucy Liu. Although she is already a big star, she has begun working as a director as well. However, a spoiler photo confirms that she is closely involved in the second season of the series in some sort.
In the official Instagram post of Harlem Coffee Company, a photo of Mike Colter, Liu and the owner of the coffee shop himself was shared. The caption simply reads, “That’s all folks,” and although this does not necessarily mean a spoiler, these two actors hanging out could raise some eyebrows. Liu also had a photo with the coffee shop owner earlier, and it looks like she is a regular in the place.
Most fans of “Luke Cage” have been following set photos of Colter with Rosario Dawson, but it would be safe to say that Lucy Liu will be joining the second season as well. It could also be possible that she could be directing an episode of “Luke Cage.” She had already directed four episodes of “Elementary,” in which she stars. Liu could be the first actor to direct an episode of the series, but this would not be foreign ground for her as she had some experience directing before.
In spoilerish set photos as seen in Den of Geek, it looks like the romance between Luke and Claire will still be going strong after what happened in “The Defenders.” However, this could be sad news for fans who want to see him and Jessica Jones together.
Colter has revealed that they are about to start filming the series next month. Fans should stay tuned as to when season two of this upcoming series will be released.