'Magic Mike XXL' Channing Tatum Finds Lost Backpack With The Help Of 'Twitter' Samaritan

Channing Tatum’s devoted Twitter fans helped him locate his lost backpack. The actor took to the social media to announce that his backpack was left behind in a yellow cab and asked New Yorkers to help him.
The actor took advantage the powers of social media last Saturday when he used Twitter to announce to his followers that he left his backpack in the cab that dropped him off in Times Square that night. He even provided a dedicated email address just for the purpose of locating his backpack. “Seriously, left my black backpack in a cab near NYC’s 42nd Street,” he tweeted. “If you find it, e-mail me at findmybag@channingtatumunwrapped.com.” Concerned fans were quick to help, some even stating that they would make it their “mission” to find the bag for him. Unfortunately, Tatum used cash to pay for the fare and did not get a receipt, so he did not have some identifying information as to what taxi got hold of his bag.
Even with such slim chances, Page Six reports that the "Magic Mike XXL" got his back late Sunday night. Again, the actor took to his Twitter to praise the “good Samaritan” who helped him find his bag and asked nothing in return.
To everyone who tried to help and to the good New York Samaritan who found my bag and asked for nothing in return, thank you. Thank you all!
— Channing Tatum (@channingtatum) April 20, 2015
The actor is currently working on one of the highly anticipated summer films of the year, “Magic Mike XXL.” Earlier this month, he told EW that he wished that there would be another “Magic Mike” instalment because it is so much fun to work with everyone on the set. The actor said the movie is “still in the works” and that this second film is much more of a “musical” than the first one. He added that although it is too early to tell if there would be another Magic Mike after this second film, he is “never gonna say never.” He added that because the first and second films are so different from each other, it would make sense to make the possible third film or the possible sequel different again.
The first film was a hit back in 2012 and everyone is expecting this second one to be equally a hit as well at the box office. The movie is set to come out on July 1.
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