Michael Schumacher’s Friends Fear The 7-Time F1 Champion Slowly Losing His Fight For His Life

The everyday lives of relatives and close friends of Michael Schumacher may suddenly stop or be thrown into chaos as they continue to live in the vagueness of not knowing whether Michael Schumacher would fully recover or whether he would finally succumb to the injuries he sustained from the skiing accident he had in December. Although it has been reported that Schumacher was showing signs of progress, a friend of Schumacher's family has great concerns about the seven-time Formula One champion's future.
In a news article by UK's daily tabloid newspaper Daily Express, a family friend of the German ace, who refused to be identified, expressed his worries about building hopes on Schumacher's future. Despite the fact that Schumacher has cheated death by surviving the accident, surviving the crucial emergency operations, coming out of coma, and even having moments of consciousness and awakening, the future of the F1 champion is still uncertain.
"The question remains, however, about how much improvement can be expected in the coming months and years," the family friend said. "Will he speak again? Will he walk again? Will he be able to feed and dress himself?"
No one, not even the doctors, can really tell if Schumacher will be able to fully recuperate from the severe injuries he suffered from the skiing crash. It is unclear whether Schumacher would stay alive or whether he would be permanently crippled, brain damaged or completely immobilized.
Schumacher's former Ferrari boss Jean Todt, who occasionally pays the stricken F1 ace a visit, told broadcaster RTL that he hopes that Schumacher would be able to make a recovery. He said that the important thing right now is that Schumacher is still fighting for his life and that his family is keeping their hopes alive and stays with him during this battle. Todt said that it is imperative that Schumacher is left in peace and given time to recuperate from the accident.
Schumacher is currently being cared for in a specially-built home-based clinic in his mansion in Lake Geneva, Switzerland. His wife and kids remain at his bed side every single day.