Governor Gavin Newsom
Governor Gavin Newsom

Californians could get another round of direct payments this month after state lawmakers approved a $262.6 billion operating budget that includes provisions for more stimulus checks.

California lawmakers approved the sweeping operating budget this week which includes a proposal from Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-CA, to send $600 stimulus checks to low- and middle-income residents amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a statement in May, the governor said the second round of one-time stimulus payments aims to help middle-class Californians affected most by the pandemic.

“We are tripling the Golden State Stimulus to get money in the hands of more middle-class Californians who have been hit hard by this pandemic. Two in three Californians will receive a check from the state and more than $5 billion in aid will be made available to those who need help paying their rent or utility bills.” Newsom said.

Under the $8 billion Golden State Stimulus program, those earning up to $75,000 who didn't receive payments in the first round will get a check this time. Adults without children and earning between $30,000 and $75,000 annually would receive $600. Adults with the same income threshold and with children will get $1,100, noted KCRA.

However, families with children who received a check in the first round will still receive another $500. Undocumented immigrants will also receive an additional $500 payment, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

It is still unclear when the state would begin sending out the second round of checks as part of its Golden State Stimulus II bill. Gov. Newsom has yet to sign the legislation and state lawmakers are still hashing out the details.

The bill states that the relief aid should be distributed before July 15, 2022.

"Hopefully, as soon as the governor signs the bill, I imagine checks will be cut in early July. So, hopefully in the next few weeks. We know people really need the money," Assemblymember Phil Ting told KCRA.

Individuals who qualify for the state aid are not required to do anything to receive the second state stimulus checks. During the first round of checks, the state issued payments twice a month after processing the 2020 tax returns of eligible recipients. The state will likely post any updates about the stimulus checks on their website.

"What the hell is wrong with us, and when are we going to come to grips with this?" asked California  at a press conference

"What the hell is wrong with us, and when are we going to come to grips with this?" asked California at a press conference Photo: AFP / Amy Osborne