David Carr, a New York Times journalist, made "Twilight" actor Robert Pattinson uncomfortable and squirm in his seat during a TimesTalks interview Wednesday night.

According to reports, the interview was intended to serve as a conversation on the young British actor's latest independent film "Cosmopolis." However, when Kristen Stewart was mentioned during the interview, it immediately drew hisses and boos from the audience.

Clearly, Robert Pattinson still does not want to talk about Kristen Stewart. During the discussion with the 26-year old actor and "Cosmopolis" film director David Cronenberg, David Carr received a surprise round of boos from the female audience when he tried to compare Pattinson's romantic woes with Kristen Stewart to the famously troubled relationship of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana.

"So if you and Kristen have trouble, it's like Charles and Di having trouble?" Carr asked.

Pattinson had to ask for the question to be repeated and admitted that he lost track of his thoughts and he only had moments before attempting to attribute America's obsession with fame and desire for a monarchy.

"I think it's because America really wants to have a royal family," Pattinson said. Then, the actor went on saying just a bit further that America's Hollywood royalty are just like the real royalty except for being meritocratic.

Meanwhile, as Pattinson tried to quickly backtrack on that somewhat slippery point, the analogy had already been pointed out and Carr appeared more than content to segue into the Kristen Stewart topic. "Next question," someone shouted from the stands. "Come on," another said.

"I was hoping that this was one guy that would have enough respect for Rob not to go there. Disappointed," viewer Launi Pettersson lamented online.

If fans were outraged, Pattinson obviously seemed unprepared as he looked down on his water bottle awkwardly. Carr soon moved on with the conversation forward. "I wasn't really going there, just so you know," Carr said. "No, I wouldn't go that far," Pattinson answered.

Robert Pattinson's unpreparedness to answer personal questions might make sense given that media have treaded around the much publicized Pattinson-Stewart breakup. However, host George Stephanopoulous did not really pry on ABC's Good Morning America and Jon Stewart also let the heartthrob keep tight-lipped.

"Things fall apart when they're supposed to fall apart," Pattinson said when David Carr asked Robert Pattinson about the decline of global capitalism which is a prominent theme in his new film "Cosmopolis." Pattinson's answer may be a potential reference regarding the actor's relationship with Kristen Stewart.