Despite ranking third place on "X-Factor" UK last 2010, the boys of One Direction have gone a long way. From sold out concerts to chart topping hits, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik have created a humungous fan base unlike any other.

However, one silly, little "banter" by one member appears to have caused outraged fans.

One Direction is made up of five boys equally good-looking and incredibly talented in their own right. Yet, not all of them have the same way of "joking around" with their fans. Take for example, Niall Horan, who is currently in hot water because of a joke gone wrong.

In an incident that occurred last July 2, 2012, Niall Horan was spotted at the Dublin International Airport. During this time, fans were all over Horan, while another was busy taking a video of the One Direction member. At one point in the video, Horan said in a "joking manner" that his fans were "a shower of c*nts".

The derogatory name caused an outrage especially for the female population. However, true-blue "Directioners" immediately came to the aid of Niall Horan defending him against criticism. Fans of the One Direction member called the name calling as a harmless joke which was not aimed at anybody. Niall Horan finally took to Twitter to apologize for the derogatory comment.

"Really sorry if I caused any offence. It was just banter with fans who I think of more as mates. But I understand that it's not a word I should be using at all," explained Niall.

While some have already let go of the issue, One Direction haters are still dead serious on bringing the boy band down due to the offensive comment. Putting that issue to the side, Niall is focusing on better and brighter things of which involve an "X-Factor" host, Demi Lovato.

Rumors of Demi and Niall "virtual" dating sessions have circulated widely over the web. Both parties have denied rumors of their relationship and pass it off as mere "friendship". Yet, an unnamed source claims that Niall is moving on to the next stage of the relationship which is to move from London to Los Angeles.

"Niall told his family he's crazy about Demi. He's already going to have to spend at least six months a year in the States with One Direction, so he wants to base himself near her and make a proper go of it," says the source.

Hopefully, Niall doesn't make another silly "banter" and end up calling Demi Lovato a "shower of c*nt".