Justin Bieber might have indirectly caused the injury to One Direction member, Zayn Malik. Fans may recall Zayn Malik's ankle injury was due to skateboarding. "Directioners" can blame Justin Bieber for such accident because news is it all happened at his house.

"Directioners" and "Beliebers" aren't ones to get along too well. Yet, the opinion of the fans has nothing to do with the actual people they idolize. All things are definitely crystal clear and smooth between the boys of One Direction and Justin Bieber. In fact, if anything the boys get along so well that Justin had invited the boys on several occasions to his home and recording studio.

Fans may recall the time when Justin Bieber, Zayn Malik and Niall Horan had a chef session at his home. The bonding didn't end there. For one, Justin had spent a quick date with Zayn Malik and his girlfriend, Perrie Edwards, at London.

By the looks of it, Justin Bieber connects better with Zayn Malik which best explains why the boys hung out once more at Bieber's pad where they rolled in the skateboards. Though everything didn't go as smooth the third time around, Zayn Malik had a bit of an accident thanks to Justin's skateboarding influence.

Zayn had suffered an ankle injury which would explain his quick exit from the MTV Video Music Awards weeks ago. The entertainer had to spend half the time resting his injured ankle. Justin Bieber definitely had some explaining to do.

"He was actually at my house and we were skateboarding, in LA. We were skateboarding and Alfredo [Flores] and him were at my house before I got there and they were skateboarding and he rolled his ankle or something like that on the half pipe," explained the Bieber, adding, "I felt bad."

Obviously, Justin Bieber didn't feel too bad enough to check up on Zayn Malik after the skateboarding accident. Still, the boys appear to be in good terms. Hopefully, the fans of the One Direction cutie don't take such "accident" into even bigger details and cause a protest against the Canadian crooner.