After a heated confrontation that led to a kicking incident, involving Manny Pacquiao's coach Freddie Roach and Brandon Rios' camp, Pacman vowed, impliedly, to make the opposition pay for their transgressions committed against his long-time mentor.

Pacquiao initially reacted calmly to the incident, but after watching the video of the said tussle, in which Roach was kicked in the chest by Alex Ariza and his speech mocked, it seemed to have had gotten into him and may have sparked a desire for vengeance.

"[Pacquiao] said to me, 'Are those the guys that made fun of you?' and I said yes, and he said, 'That's all I need to know,' and he walked away," Roach said at a press conference.

"He told me he's going to take care of this guy quickly."

In an attempt to get even with Pacquiao's ex-trainer, Roach scoffed at Ariza's cheap shot.

"What [Ariza] doesn't realise is that Manny hits me 10 times harder every day. It was like a girl kicking me," he said.

Meanwhile, Rios, who is known to be a slugger, may need to modify his game plan as Pacquiao's camp will be looking to take advantage such fact.

"Rios is a tough guy, and tough guys don't win fights; good boxers win fights," revealed Roach.

"The more I watch him on tape, the worse he gets."

"One thing we know is that Rios will fight back, and that's our big advantage because Manny is a beautiful counter-puncher and we've been working quite a bit on that in the gym."